My husband is amazing! He went and got me some pears from Harry and David. 10C a lb. I am glad he likes me doing projects like this, even though we might be having pizza for dinner. These pears were delicious. I am not the biggest pear lover but I am getting there. I think because I live around a ton of pear orchards that I should really learn to love them.
I then stuck the pears into my food processor a few cups at at time and then filled my pint jars. I processed according to processing instructions. It turned our pretty delicious!
I also made pear pie filling. I prepped the pears the same way as if I were going to sauce them. Then I stuck them in a bowl with sugar, according to taste, I am sorry I didn't measure this. My awesome mother in law also gave me some stuff that goes well when canning pie filling. It is called ultra set and you can purchase it at Kitchen Kneads, which I think is in Utah. The nice thing about it is that you don't have to cook your sauce before canning. I mixed my sauce with the pears and poured them into my jars and processed according to processing instructions. I didn't have enough quart jars at the time, so I stuck some in Ziploc bags and froze them. It freezes well also.
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